Whilst I nipped for a packet of smokes I saw and recognised the Man Eating Sausage. I bothered him for a while, but I'll leave that there as he has talked about the chance meeting. He did tell me one interesting thing though, I hope that he doesn't mind me mentioning, that he uses voice recognition software and talks at his computer to write blog posts. What an ingenious idea. He did also mention that he wasn't sure if i was an anonymous poster. I'm not. My name is Kevin Carmody and I live in Manston.
On Saturday I ran a juggling workshop for Manston fun day. I had some huge help from my friends Danny and Luce and from my girlfriend Rebeka. It was huge amounts of fun, though we were treated a little like a creche.
And today was the Ramsgate carnival...... erm ....... err ...... great!
Ok, here are a couple of web treats:
Type 'failure' into google and hit 'I'm feeling lucky'.
A note of word verification.
posted by SkinOfStars @ 1:02 am,