Live and evil

Lying in bed with my thoughts I have stumbled across a problem. It looks like this:

revel - lever
team - meat
nib - bin
tip - pit
real - lear
made - edam
desserts - stressed

What are they?

Now, I know that they are palindromes when placed together, what I want to know is the name of a word that changes its meaning when reversed. If you know the answer then for the sake of my sanity please post it in a comment. Also, I'd be interested to see any others that you can come up with.

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posted by SkinOfStars @ 3:51 pm,


At October 03, 2007 5:24 pm, Blogger ZumiWeb said...

semordnilap - well you did ask. Here's the information you need, and here's a list of NYM words to answer similar queries. Enjoy...

At October 04, 2007 3:52 am, Blogger SkinOfStars said...

Thank you. I've also had alternative confirmation from an email I'd sent to my Mum asking the same question. I'm happy now :) ....until the next time!

At October 09, 2007 10:22 pm, Blogger Richard Eastcliff said...

Aren't Live Evil a heavy metal band?

At October 11, 2007 8:54 pm, Blogger Snailspace said...

Rock On


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